Sea Salt

Blossoming Unknown

Salt Sea

Enjoy a snippet style playlist, read a tale of a pop punk teenage designer and

enjoy a picture story to follow

<3 elektra

Let’s cut to the chase- As a young girl growing up, I felt the foggy grief of feeling ‘ugly’. This feeling and the experiences that came with it, left literal and figurative scars up and down, all around and throughout me.

As a fashion designer today, I constantly remind myself that I’m not creating for the masses and my own internalized hatred, but for this girl, and people like her, who see, live and breathe beauty from all around them

In the past, I’ve so often shun any pictures of her from being seen, I’ve been so ashamed of her for some reason. Maybe it was the G.E.D., perhaps the constant struggle with severe acne and it’s remnants, or probably being

too weird for the weirdos.

Serendipidously at a time when I’m creating a collection inspired by the Bay Area and the stories that helped form me, I find a shoe box of old photos.

Yup- those were my fairy wings, I had multiple pairs and I wore them often! The jelly bracelets that show you it is exactly 2004, paired with the thrifted little boys suit jacket styled with buttons and charms inspired by Cyndi Lauper.

The corset I loved to wear in 2005 when everyone used to ask "But isn’t that underwear?”, paired with a scrap skirt I made that all of my friends would borrow *high school*

The xmas lights on my backpack, mixed with local and mtv band patches paired with a home made Judy Garland patch out of printer paper and scotch tape, safety pinned to the front pocket. ….literally only my journal, cds and batteries for my walkman inside

Knitting in the sewing room that was also my theater lit class, my history class and leadership. *continuation high school*

Chains, chains, ball chains and metal

The Frida Khalo t-shirt I got from an exhibit I saw when I was 9 years old

That quintessential 90’s outfit- ribbed spaghetti strap dress over a blank white tee. Posing in front of Alcatraz because I had already decided I liked doing weird shit like that.

Little punk princess into Baby Unknown.

I felt like it was time to do us all justice and finally show the girl behind the stories.